Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

Les Twins Kyoto

Hi LTfans, LTgirl ..
How'r you doing?
Still good, always good

Don't you know, like a week ago, Larry posted this cute pic of him. LTfans asked him to post his selfie pic and here we go. Larry said "Sometimes I look like My Bro, But.... Nooo"
I said, Yes you do Larry. you are damn look like you brother Laurent .. you can't deny it ..
You two are amazing ..

Actually, les twins do what they want to do although they are so tired. Remember, they show off in WOD in the world. They battle so much. They won a lot .. They show the best every they dance to whoever they battle ..

31 July 2015, Les Twins came show in Japan. They came to Club there, workshop there. They rapped and sang "No, No you don't know me" I think they get better everyday. Larry rapped that night. But this song is not available in youtube or everywhere. Hopely, it sooner.

That night in the club, Laurent killed much Larry LOL .. They dance against each other. Laurent dance with Venus music, the first song I heard Lau like so much. He killed it, killed it. He swag, dance so hard till he tired and sit on the floor. Larry said, please get rest but Lau didn't stop dance.

In the workshop Kyoto, as usual they dance and have fun with lil girl there. Something like "trap kid" Larry and Laurent have so much fun with this little girl. Lau hug that lil girl and Larry said "where this hair come from?" Lau answered "it's like electric" so sweet hahaha lol they always like kids, baby.

Look at this gorgeous Laurent ..
You know, laurent swag really swag with song "are you mad?" this is really good song i think.
I think, Laurent steps are difficult to do cos it's very electrical, and unique. Lau move free and feel the way he feel the detail of song. Larry is beautiful too, but his steps are easier and sistematically. Both of them hear music badly. Lau said "I'm not the best dancer in the world, but I'm the best to do what I'm doing" yeah ,, but I think they both are the best dancers .. that's the fact right?

Les Twins are busy in workshop now. They came to Fair Play Camp too recently. But, I don't know the date exactly. They like Japan very much because Japan is beautiful. I hear that they will come in Brasil sooner. So, get ready Brasil ..

Whoop whoop that's it
Don't forget to keep voting by insta, twitter, fb
"My #teenchoice for #choicedancer is @offlestwins

Yap that's it .. don't let our boys down babes ..
Love you all .. I hope you do your best in whatever you want to do ..

4 komentar:

  1. Hi Gea,
    I'm LT fan too, thanks for your post

  2. +ABOUT IMA girl, you are designer right? can i ask your instagram account? This is good to plan about lestwins design stuff or anything

  3. Ok, here it is: imajedda. I will follow you back after. Cheers

    1. Myinsta especially for LT is @lt_fans_indonesia ,, i'll follow you by that acc ok .. maybe later, i'll follow you by my own acc @bertigea
