Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

Les Twins

Lau Larry, which of them the older one?
Lau getting cut womb first .. It shows us too. I think Lau more mature than Larry. Sorry Larry :)
 Don't you wanna watch they kill the beat so much? Hahaha, every they battle they always kill every detail of music .. Lau sometimes kill it, when get feeling, Lau show the beast lol but Larry battle well .. every he battle he win  :)

This is link videos i think i favourite them

It shows us, they have musicality. Lau shows that almost dancers doesnt hear music. They only got small part of music and they dont detailed it. They got nothing, so they dont dance detail .. Lau shows us how to dance .. I remember, Lau ever told that their language is choreography, french, and then English.

Actually, the link video above is first time i looked them and watch them every single day. I collected all videos of them and search their news, images every day in instagram. Okay, sorry i told you this :)

However, Les twins is the best dancers i've ever known,
Because they are so humble. They think of be one the best dancer in the world. They going practice on road, they battled, the show off, they dont care how others judge them like "it is not dance hiphop?" Larry dance and Lau dance, they battled each other actually, they try to make the twin scream behind them. Now, they success, they are bigger than they expected before. Love them :)

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