Selasa, 19 April 2016

Les Twins in KOD World Cup 2016

Hi everybody !!!
Long time no post .. lol
Sorry for that #larryvoice .. I'v been busy this time

But a HUGE event lately of LESTWINS is KOD WORLD CUP 2016 !!

Larry Laurent has been winners against team USA, JAPAN, RUSSIA, CHINA, CANADA, and GERMANY !!!! LESTWINS is the king !!

Moreover, lestwins killed team Canada so bad! The Criminalz Crew members killed everyone of the Canada team. Bouboo got one point against Keith Morriso, Lil Beast 'Laurent' killed KC, Waydi killed Catalyst, Ca Blaze killed Catalyst, and all round result is 11-2. Eleven for team FRANCE and 2 for team Canada. Btw, thanks for coming Canada ... hahah lol .. Praise the Lord ..
 Same thing when Criminalz against China. Twins killed Jc Jun, Boubou killed AK, Waydi killed Lil QI, Twins killed Zoffy, etc. Briefly, they got ten points against 1 point of China. Again, thanks for coming China .. China got murdered btw .. lol

In the battle, Criminalz always in harmony .. Boubou, Waydi, Larry, and Laurent have a real connection like they can read another mind and showed the incredible move ..

Unfortunately, Criminalz Crew is the runner up of this battle. I'm very sorry hear that because all I know Criminalz gave the best they could. There were four categories, hip hop, breaking, locking, and popping. Criminalz got 1 point in the hiphop category but not the same for breaking, locking, and popping. Korea got three points in breaking, locking, and popping, They were cool, but i think team France was cooler than them.

FYI, Larry Laurent watched your videos reaction to them dancing .. Larry even smile all the time he watched .. Laurent said, "I'm fall in love man. I think I want to watch more videos like more videos of you all" .. I see when someone of that video said "like Bruce Lee said: Be water my friend" Oh Laurent really like that. And the end of that clip video is when a glasses guy said, "Robot, someone make it in the factory, insert them in the dancer chip and SHOCK the NATION!"  Oh .. Larry Laurent laughed so hard .. Btw Larry did not believe their reactions were real ! Like because he even shocked so hard there were guys who really like them dancing! Oh come on, if you guys read this, what is your reaction? May be I will say, "You are like alient, because nobody can copy your style, unique, like nobody like you guys in dancing" and may be my reaction is the same of those guys in video reaction.

Btw this is all fam .. my new ACC just for sharing about them is @lt_fans_indonesia
See you guys !