Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Les Twins in San Fransisco

Hai LTfans, LTgirl, LTfam ..

How are you today?
Ehm, have you search about LesTwins recently

They are in San Fransisco some days ago,
They did workshop to kids ..
And you know, I think the future of hip hop dance is bright after watching them in San Fransisco ..

Look at that, Lau speechless and watching that kid so serious ..
There are other talented kids like this blonded kid but I think Les Twins love this kid .. Amazing right .. Ohh, If you want to watch this full version video, go on Youtube and search "Les Twins the only girl 2015 in San Fransisco"

Laurent ever told they are so tired doing workshop but they loved doing workshop and find other talented like this blonded one

They are brother and have so much love each other and always respect the other dancers ..
In April I think, Larry Battled against Joe in Park, they have a long conversation about their style in hip hop dancing. Joe try to explain his style create the beat during the music on, but Larry didn't agree. Larry said "you can't even create beat that never exist in music you hear, all you can do is HEAR it and FEEL it"

Agreed with StepXStep, that battle unity all the dancer that have different style in dancing hip hop. It doesn't matter. Larry said, "Everybody know, but if you think you are the winner, it's okay, I'm Fine." You know, I think Larry is better than Joe in feeling music.
Okay that's all the news about Les Twins .. Thanks for reading
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